23/04/18 | Refugee Crisis | Ernest Urtasun. ICV. Group of the Greens/EFA

The MEP Ernest Urtasun criticized the police operation at European level “Mos maiorum” aimed at illegal immigrants and traffickers and smugglers intended to include humans. “Today, thousands of refugees are trying every day to seek safety and shelter in the EU, having been subjected to death threats in his home country. Only a minority arrive with a valid visa to enter the EU”, said Urtasun who warned that if the members accept this state large-scale incursion some individuals who are persecuted in their countries will end up locked in prisons and being treated like criminals.
“This is directly contrary to the protection of refugees,” said Urtasun who believes that instead of pursuing refugees and immigrants as criminals, tools for safe and legal entry should be developped. “From the Greens / EFA we call on the Council because, at the next plenary session of Parliament in Strasbourg, it makes a statement on this police operation”, said Urtasun. He remembered too that from its parliamentary group, the MEP Ska Keller asked the Council how the Member States will ensure that their police will respect the European law and will avoid using tactics of ethnic discrimination during mass police checks in public spaces.//